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Sole-Proprietor Grows One Location Into Franchise Opportunity

This client had one location that was performing well and just starting on a renewed 5 year lease. They endeavored to start a line of packaged pies for retail as well as wholesale, but communicated that these options were not yielding high enough profits for the model. They did not want to open any further corporate-owned units due to cost/liability, but saw franchising as a way to expand the business at a lower cost. We reviewed costs, procedures and potential obstacles of franchising the business. They were able to retain a franchise counsel via our recommendation as well as a Franchise Broker company that we vetted together based on contract details and pros/cons on expenses discussed.

Fast forward to 2023, they now have a fully operational FDD, which clears them to begin the marketing and selling of their franchise.

Find out how we can help you, too!


  • Assisted with Strategic Franchise Market Expansion Plan at 1/10th the cost of Corporate Unit Expansion.
  • Advisement on Franchise Development Documentation to maintain compliance and minimize liability.
  • Exploration/Vetting of Franchising Partner Contracts to reduce overall costs and ensure ROI.
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