First and foremost, your business advisor owes you honesty and integrity. You’re trusting your advisor to help you facilitate your dream – and your advisor should be there to help you navigate any landscape ahead of you, no matter how familiar or foreign it may be. In fact, whenever you’re feeling like you’re in uncharted territory, your advisor should act like a guide in a foreign nation, driving you through checkpoints, pointing out different obstacles, and helping you get where you want to go in the most painless way possible

What To Look For When You’re Looking For A Business Advisor

What's more, there’s an important element of confidentiality that you should expect from your consultant. Over the course of your partnership, you’ll need to share sensitive business information including trade secrets and proprietary data, so it’s important to work with someone who’s committed to maintaining the utmost discretion and trust.

Similarly to the attorney-client relationship, trust is a major aspect of your relationship with a business advisor. Whether you’re working toward a goal in the immediate future or a goal that you hope to see take shape over time, you’ll need to trust your advisor to keep your information safe while using it to create a well-crafted strategy for your business.

Finally, when choosing an advisor, you deserve someone who's been through the trenches – and that's exactly what you'll find at Big Catch. As a business owner who has been working with other entrepreneurs for over 15 years, I’m proud to bring my extensive knowledge to the table. This wealth of experience empowers my clients, ensuring that every decision they make is built on a solid foundation of proven success. If you ask me, your business deserves nothing less.

Don’t Take Our Word For It, Keep Reading To Learn About Just A Few Of Big Catch Consulting’s Many Success Stories

  • Struggling Restaurant Bounced Back To Remarkable Profits After COVID Losses

One of our clients, a restaurant owner, had been enjoying annual sales of $4 million. However, about a year and a half ago, their business took a significant hit, and their sales dipped to just under $2.5 million. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, we dove right in to conduct a comprehensive analysis.

Our analysis covered every aspect, from their costs to their labor, and even their discretionary spending. The findings led us to implement substantial changes aimed at reviving the business. As we approach 2024, the results are undeniably positive. Our client now projects their sales performance to return to their pre-COVID levels, marking a truly exceptional turnaround.

This success story is a fantastic testament to the value we bring to our clients. It's incredibly satisfying to not only have clients who are pleased with our services but also to witness our services making a substantial impact.

  • On Track To Franchise After Just One Year Of Strategic Planning

Just one year ago, our client was in the early stages of her second five-year lease term with a single location. While her business was performing modestly, she had ambitious dreams of corporate expansion. She contemplated the addition of another unit or venturing into a packaged food line, but upon closer examination, it became apparent that these paths might not be as profitable as she’d hoped.

So, we started exploring the possibility of franchising as a more cost-effective approach to growing her business. Over the next six months, we dove into a detailed review of her costs and procedures, overcame potential obstacles to franchising, and guided her through the process of filing an FDD (Franchise Disclosure Document), which is required to sell franchises in various states.

Fast forward to today, she has established the operational framework for her FDD, has built a network of individuals who can provide short-term loans, and she's currently working with an attorney to finalize her standard operating procedures. Once that's complete, she'll be legally cleared to begin marketing her franchise opportunity nationwide – a significant achievement for someone who embarked on this journey only a year ago.

  • Family Business Turned Into A Legacy Success

Another incredible journey started when our client inherited a business from her parents that was in need of a serious makeover. Her parents had run the business for many years, but they were facing health challenges, so she decided to step in and take over full-time – only to discover that the restaurant needed a fresh new menu and a complete design overhaul.

Together, we embarked on a journey to transform her business. The first issue we tackled was the significant amount of money flowing out in labor costs. We carefully restructured her labor strategy, using sales data to identify the perfect hours of operation that matched the foot traffic patterns in her neighborhood. This shift led to reduced expenses and, in turn, boosted her profitability – ultimately allowing her to give the restaurant the facelift she’d always dreamed of.

Today, she's in a much more comfortable position and is on the verge of helping her parents transition into a well-deserved retirement. With her newfound skills and the optimized operation we've created, she's ready to continue running this legacy business with confidence.

  • Moving A Successful Packaged Food Business Out Of The House & Increase Profitability

In addition to our work with restaurants, we've had the privilege of helping entrepreneurs across diverse industries, including packaged food production. One of these clients had started working on a packaged food line out of their home before coming to us with questions about distribution and product manufacturing.

We guided them through the labyrinth of permitting, working closely with the California Department of Public Health to secure the necessary certifications. Then, once the paperwork was in hand, we were able to devise a truly innovative solution that provided our client with a clear path to move operations out of their home…

We identified an established kitchen facility with all the required permits and licensure that operated only during specific hours, giving our client the opportunity to negotiate a unique agreement: They could access the kitchen during its dormant hours, compensating the facility a fraction of the price for this exclusive arrangement. Not only did this creative solution supercharge their manufacturing process, but it also significantly cut their expenses, increasing their overall profitability.

For us, it's a triumph to witness "aha" moments like this, when a client realizes the untapped potential in their business. It reaffirms our commitment to empowering entrepreneurs and finding innovative ways to bolster their success, bringing an immense amount of satisfaction to the work we do every day. For more information on The Services You Can Expect From A Business Consultant, an initial consultation is your next best step.

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